Bagpipe Drone Reeds

Drone Reeds for the Great Highland Bagpipe

Kelt "Black Cane" Carbon Fibre Drone Reeds...$159.00 per set

Made by Mark Faloon, Northern Ireland. Made with a black plastic body. Tenor drone reeds and bass drone reed with carbon fibre tongues. Rubber bridle and internally adjustable tuning screw.

Kelt Carbon Fibre Bass Drone Reed...$69.00

Kelt Carbon Fibre Tenor Drone Reeds...$119.00 (2 Tenor Reeds)

Kinnaird "Evolution" Carbon Fibre Drone Reeds...$169.00 per set

Made by Rob Kinnaird, Saskatoon, Canada. Made with a glass fibre body. Tenor drone reeds and bass drone reed with carbon fibre tongues. Rubber bridle and internally adjustable tuning screw in the plastic nose cone.

Kinnaird "Evolution" Carbon Fibre Bass Drone Reed...$79.00

Kinnaird "Evolution" Carbon Fibre Tenor Drone Reeds...$119.00 (2 Tenor Reeds)

Kinnaird "Edge" Carbon Fibre Drone Reeds...$189.00 per set

Made by Rob Kinnaird, Saskatoon, Canada. Made with a glass fibre body. Tenor drone reeds and bass drone reed with carbon fibre tongues. Rubber bridle and internally adjustable tuning screw in the plastic nose cone. The Kinnaird "Edge" Drone Reed also has an added patented bendable tongue using two adjustable grub screws to determine the tongue position on the reed body.

Kinnaird "Edge" Carbon Fibre Bass Drone Reed...$89.00

Kinnaird "Edge" Carbon Fibre Tenor Drone Reeds...$129.00 (2 Tenor Reeds)

MG White Carbon Fibre Drone Reeds...$159.00 per set

Made in Scotland by Rory Grossart. Made with a white plastic body and shaped carbon fibre tongues. Rubber bridles and adjustable tuning plug with tightening washer.

MG MKII Drone Reeds...$119.00 per set

Made in Scotland by Rory Grossart. "White Mamba" Bass made with a white plastic body and shaped carbon fibre tongue and standard tenors with polycarbonate tongues. Rubber bridles and adjustable tuning plug with tightening washer.

MG Drone Reed Extensions to play in Bflat...$59.00 per set

Made in Scotland by Rory Grossart. MG Drone Reed Extensions allow the drone reeds to be extended to allow the drones to be tuned easily to play the pipes in Bflat. Simply by removing the existing tuning plug and screwing into the end of each reed.

(Also compatible with Ezeedrone Reeds)

Canning "Blue" Drone Reeds with Polycarbonate Tenors and Carbon Fibre Bass...$149.00 per set

Made by Ryan Canning, Northern Ireland. Made with a new non-absorbant blue plastic body. Tenor drone reeds with polycarbonate tongues and bass drone reed with carbon fibre tongue. Rubber bridle and internally adjustable tuning nose cone.

Canning Drone Reeds with Polycarbonate Tenors and Carbon Fibre Bass...$149.00 per set

Made by Ryan Canning, Northern Ireland. Tenor drone reeds with polycarbonate tongues and bass drone reed with carbon fibre tongue. Rubber bridle and internally adjustable tuning nose cone.

Canning Polycarbonate Drone Reeds...$149.00 per set

Canning Polycarbonate Higher Pitch Drone Reeds...$149.00 per set

Made by Ryan Canning, Northern Ireland. Tenors and Bass drone reeds with polycarbonate tongues. Rubber bridle and internally adjustable tuning nose cone.

Canning Polycarbonate Drone Reeds with Inverted Bass...$149.00 per set

Made by Ryan Canning, Northern Ireland. Tenors and Bass drone reeds with polycarbonate tongues. Bass reed with inverted tongue. Rubber bridle and internally adjustable tuning nose cone.

Canning Bass Reeds

Canning Polycarbonate Inverted Bass Drone Reed...$69.00 (As shown)

Canning Carbon Fibre Bass Drone Reed...$69.00

Canning Polycarbonate Bass Drone Reed...$69.00

Canning Tenor Drone Reeds

Canning Polycarbonate Tenor Drone Reeds...$79.00 (2 Reeds)

Canning Polycarbonate Higher Pitch Tenor Drone Reeds...$79.00 (2 Reeds)

Ezeedrone Increased Absorption Drone Reeds...$159.00 per set

Made in Scotland. Tenors and Bass drone reeds with polycarbonate tongues. Rubber bridle and adjustable screw-in tuning plug. Bodies made with new material for increased moisture absorption.

Ezeedrone Reeds...$129.00 per set

Made in Scotland. Tenors and Bass drone reeds with polycarbonate tongues. Rubber bridle and adjustable screw-in tuning plug.

Ezeedrone Reeds with Any Eezedrone Bass Reed from below...$139.00 per set

Ezeedrone Bass Drone Reeds...$59.00 each

Assorted styles of Bass drone reeds with polycarbonate tongues. Rubber bridle and adjustable screw-in tuning plug.

Balance Tone Drone Reeds...$139.00 per set

NEW! Balance Tone Bflat Drone Reeds...$139.00 per set

Made by Bruce Hitchings MBE BEM in Scotland. Plastic Telescopic Body with Plastic Tongues. Rubber Tuning Plug with Rubber Bridle & Tongue Support.

NEW! Balance Tone High Resonance Drone Reeds...$149.00 per set

NEW! Balance Tone High Resonance Bflat Drone Reeds...$149.00 per set

Made by Bruce Hitchings MBE BEM in Scotland. Plastic Telescopic Body with Plastic Tongues. Rubber Tuning Plug with Rubber Bridle & Tongue Support.

Shepherd SM/90 Drone Reeds...$109.00 per set

Made by R. T. Shepherd & Son in Scotland. Plastic Telescopic Body with Lock Tightner. Plastic Tongues and Plastic Bridle.

Drone Reeds Spare Parts


Crozier Omega Body...$16.50

Crozier V2 Body....$16.50

Shepherd SM/90 Blue Replacement Tongues...$19.00 per set


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